
Insurable Risk Profiling

In treating risks, organisations generally consider acceptance, avoidance, control or transfer, or a combination of these methods.


Insurance remains a key risk transfer tool in most organisations, but all too often, 'off the shelf' insurance products purchased by organisations don't recognise specific underlying risks, and as such may not achieve an optimum risk transfer. Even if the product fits well initially, the challenge is to ensure that changes in the organisation's risk profile feeds into the product design and selection.

To achieve this, a thorough process of risk analysis should be completed in order to determine key risks, understand their financial impact, and determine the limits required to be covered by insurance.

Benefits of Insurable Risk Profiling

  • Provides management with an audit trail and point of reference for future assessment;
  • High level assurance that risks are transferred where intended;
  • Greater understanding of the risks retained in your organisation that may require alternative treatment methods;
  • Linkage between insurance and your organisation's overall process for risk management;
  • Enhanced ability for 'insurable' risk to be sold to insurance markets in the best possible light by demonstrating that a sophisticated approach has been taken in its identification and analysis;
  • Demonstrates good corporate governance.

Aon's risk profiling services

Insurable risk profiling and gap analysis follows a structured process that demonstrates good corporate governance and can easily be linked to your organisation's broader risk management activities. Our integrated risk assessment offerings:

  • Identify insurable risks, using existing information to identify a range of risks that could be significant if untreated.
  • Assess the financial impact of risks, working with key personnel within your organisation to facilitate risk assessment and develop a profile of insurable risks.
  • Measure the response of insurance, drawing on our depth of knowledge to review and translate how your current insurance program responds to the risk profile developed.
  • Produce an insurance program blueprint to provide your business with an optimal transfer of risk and balance the potential cost of retention versus cost of transfer.

Contact an Aon insurable risk profiling specialist today.

Risk Consulting Experts

Paul Koutouridis
Director – Consulting Services

Nick Clarke
Global Risk Consulting Sales Leader

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