Our dedicated team of Claims professionals are here to support you in your claims process.The team will log your call, notify the insurer, and see the claim to completion. We will keep you fully informed throughout the process, with a dedicated Claims specialist available to you for support in seeing the claim through.
Step one. Contact Aon on 1800 795 019 with your claim details.
Step two. Your claim number is issued, and your dedicated Aon claims specialist is assigned to you.
Step three. Your dedicated claims specialist advises if and when a claims assessor will be in contact with you.
Step four. Your claims assessor liaises with you throughout the assessment process.
Our how to make a claim guide covers the four steps in greater detail.
If your current policy is due for renewal, or the Storm or Flood event has impacted your ability to attend to the renewal documentation, please contact your broker.
You can lodge your claim via email at au.claimsmanagement@aon.com, or through your broker.
If your current policy is due for renewal and a severe event has impacted your ability to attend to the renewal documentation, please contact our office or speak to your broker.