Reinsurance | Aon Insurance Brokers and Risk Managers


Delivering Strategic Value to Insurers

Insurers are at the heart of creating a more resilient world but face an increasingly dynamic environment with interconnected, emerging risks and fierce competition. Now more than ever, insurers require more holistic services and global insight to better understand and address their strategic, multi-faceted business needs across growth, capital, operational efficiency and talent.

Embedded in the insurance industry, we live its impact, complexities and potential - so we know how to listen better and interpret clients’ needs. We’re bringing together the best of Aon to support insurance industry clients with more relevant and impactful insight and solutions to meet their strategic goals and make better business decisions.

Matching Risk to Capital

Across the insurance industry, businesses either need capital, have too much capital, or are not managing their capital efficiently to support business goals. Finding the right balance between risk and capital requires careful planning and strategic decision-making.

Importantly, insurers also need access to many forms of capital, including debt, equity, traditional treaty and facultative reinsurance, legacy capital, alternative capital and parametric sources, to successfully navigate current market conditions while managing increased volatility and higher risk retentions.

While investors are concerned about climate change and inflation, they are also focused on margin improvements from price increases and rising interest rates. At Aon, we partner with insurers to develop innovative ways to match risk to capital, fostering both short-term wins and long-term sustainability.

How Aon Can Help

Matching risk to capital is what we do. We complement traditional reinsurance services, including treaty, facultative and parametric covers, with alternative capital sources and advise clients on options that will work most efficiently and effectively for their business.

Learn how Aon can help you achieve your capital strategies.

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