Market Security and Analysis
Significant catastrophes, emerging risks and potential financial market volatility have sharpened demand for detailed analysis of the performance, balance sheet strength and competitive position of reinsurance counterparties. Annual assessment of legal entities on a standalone basis is no longer considered adequate. Informed decision-making now requires group-level analysis and insight into the positioning of these carriers within the wider reinsurance market.
Recognising the importance of such insight, our Market Analysis team supports clients throughout their reinsurance security analysis, selection and monitoring process. Keeping updated on the latest developments at individual company, group and market levels demands significant resources, especially in today’s challenging economic environment.
Keeping You Informed
Detailed profile reports are produced on all major reinsurance groups and reinsurance companies and Lloyd’s syndicates operating worldwide. To complement this output, a Market News service ensures that clients are kept fully appraised of significant developments among the major reinsurers.
At industry level, the team produces the Aon's Reinsurance Aggregate report series, providing a biannual update of key reinsurance market trends, as well as biannual Lloyd’s Updates and a multitude of other briefings and research pieces.
Market Analysis Services
- Counterparty Due Diligence
- Market Security Advisory
- Bespoke Client Projects
- Market Analysis Updates
The team’s analytical output is delivered direct to subscribing clients via MarketReView®, a proprietary extranet portal designed to make researching reinsurance market information easy and efficient. Read more: MarketReView